Resources For Thriving In Turbulent Times

1. The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts (Book)

This book predicts the decline of today’s professions and describes the people and systems that will replace them. In an Internet society, according to Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind, we will neither need nor want doctors, teachers, accountants, architects, the clergy, consultants, lawyers, and many others, to work as they did in the 20th century.

2. Average Is Over (Book)

Renowned economist and bestselling author Tyler Cowen explains that high earners are taking ever more advantage of machine intelligence and achieving ever-better results. Meanwhile, nearly every business sector relies less and less on manual labor, and that means a steady, secure life somewhere in the middle—average—is over.

3. The Gig Economy (Book)

Don’t fight it-embrace it! From Uber to the presidential debates, the gig economy has been dominating the headlines…and for good reason. Today, more than a third of Americans are working in the gig economy-mixing together short-term jobs, contract work, and freelance assignments. For those who’ve figured out the formula, life has never been better! The Gig Economy is your guide to this uncertain but ultimately rewarding world.

4. Build Your Website In 30 Seconds With Help From Experts To Start Your Online Business – For Free!

Articles and Websites

1. Unintended Consequences – The Reason Why Good Intentions Are Not Good Enough by Dr Jacob Lee

2. The Parable Of The Boiled Frog – A Change Management Strategy by Dr Jacob Lee

3. A wiki giving a brief overview of the various Systems Archetypes.

4. The Beer Game – a fun simulation to demonstrate Learning Disabilities and Systems Thinking concepts.

5. A more in-depth article on The Systems Archetypes by William Braun


1. The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge

The book that brought Systems Thinking and Organisational Learning into the mainstream.  It introduces Systems Thinking and the Fifth Discipline of the Learning Organisation.  The other 4 disciplines covered in this book are Personal Mastery, Shared Vision, Team Learning and Mental Models.

Not an easy book to read.  Quite abstract and philosophical at times.  But full of wisdom and insights for readers who persevere.

2. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook

This is not a “book” in the sense that we are used to.  It is more like a catalog of tools for the 5 disciplines introduced in the original book.  Can be difficult to use for the beginner.

3. The Making Of The Captains Of Lives

A book by former Director Of Prisons, Mr. Chua Chin Kiat.  It chronicles the transformation journey of the prison system in Singapore.  This story powerfully illustrates that the mental models or assumptions we have about our stakeholders will dramatically determine the way we design our systems and strategies.

4Good To Great by Jim Collins

This management best seller is not a Systems Thinking book per se.  But a fundamental idea in the book – the flywheel – is really the equivalent of the success loop concept in Systems Thinking.  This book gives good research information on how good companies implement their success loop to become great!  For more information on creating success loops, you can sign up for a workshop on Introduction To Systems Thinking.


1.   Introduction To Systems Thinking by Peter Senge

2.   Systems Thinking For A Better World by Peter Senge

3.   Systems Thinking In A Digital World by Peter Senge

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