Jacob Lee

From Faculty To Freelancer

This post is a continuation of the previous one. It’s about my journey from a stable university job to becoming a freelancer.  And the Effectuation strategy describes it really well.  Not surprising as Effectuation (by Prof. Saras Saravathy)  describes what entrepreneurs actually do.  So I was already practicing Effectuation without realising it! I hope my

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Stop Looking At What You Don’t Have – Start With What You Do Have!

Expert entrepreneurs start with what they have according to Sara Sarasvathy of Effectuation fame – the subject of a few of my more recent posts.  Its the Bird In Hand Principle. And nowadays, everyone needs to start to think like an entrepreneur…even corporations. The sheer unpredictability of our environment demands this. (In fact you may

Stop Looking At What You Don’t Have – Start With What You Do Have! Read More »

When Life Gives You Lemons

In an unpredictable environment, it is often the case that things do not go according to plan. Continuing with our series on Effectuation, you will see how expert entrepreneurs handle “setbacks”. In the 2 videos below, Professor Stuart Read of IMD explains and illustrates the Lemonade Principle we talked about in an earlier post.  

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