This online course is intended to support and to supplement the aforementioned programme LSC12.
It is therefore purely optional and is not required for graduation.
This online course will include videos covering some of the key frameworks that is taught in the classroom. Also, a forum called LSC12 Forum has been created for the community to discuss matters and issues related to change and transformation.
Participants, sponsors and others associated with LSC12 will have free access to this material for the duration of the programme.
Lesson 1 of 4 within section Admin.
Lesson 2 of 4 within section Admin.
Lesson 3 of 4 within section Admin.
Lesson 4 of 4 within section Admin.
Lesson 1 of 5 within section Pre-Session.
Lesson 2 of 5 within section Pre-Session.
The Core Theory Of Success (coming)
Lesson 3 of 5 within section Pre-Session.
Iceberg Change Process (coming)
Lesson 4 of 5 within section Pre-Session.
Change Project Selection Guidelines
Lesson 5 of 5 within section Pre-Session.
Project Scoping
This section does not have any lessons.
Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision
What makes a Vision powerful?-I Have A Dream
Lesson 1 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Hierarchy Of Choices Video (coming)
Lesson 2 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Success Loops-Think Big Start Small Video (coming)
Lesson 3 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Introduction To Mental Models Video (coming)
Lesson 4 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Ladder Of Inference Video (coming)
Lesson 5 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Levels of Perspective Video (coming)
Lesson 6 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Template For Assignment A3
Lesson 7 of 7 within section Module A: Developing Stakeholder Alignment With A Shared Vision.
Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality
ORID Framework for Focused Conversations Video (coming)
Lesson 1 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Anticipating and Dealing With Unintended Consequences Video (coming)
Lesson 2 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Identifying High Leverage Actions Video (coming)
Lesson 3 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
AID Framework: Balancing Advocacy and Inquiry Video (coming)
Lesson 4 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Balancing Loops vs. Reinforcing Loops Video (coming)
Lesson 5 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Dealing With Resistance To Change: MARS Framework Video (coming)
Lesson 6 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Left Hand Column Video (coming)
Lesson 7 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Template For Assignment B3
Lesson 8 of 8 within section Module B: Diagnosing And Working With Current Reality.
Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance
Mental Models 1: Surfacing Mental Models Video (coming)
Lesson 1 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Mental Models 2 : Challenging Mental Models Video (coming)
Lesson 2 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Mental Models 3: Re-framing Mental Models Video (coming)
Lesson 3 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Mental Models 4: Activating Mental Models Video (coming)
Lesson 4 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Mental Models 5: Identifying And Aligning Value Systems Video (coming)
Lesson 5 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Advance Systems Thinking: Fixes That Fail Video (coming)
Lesson 6 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Advance Systems Thinking: Shifting The Burden Video (coming)
Lesson 7 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Advance Systems Thinking: Eroding Goals Video (coming)
Lesson 8 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Advance Systems Thinking: Escalation Video (coming)
Lesson 9 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Template for C4 Assignment
Lesson 10 of 10 within section Module C: Designing Change Strategies With The Path Of Least Resistance.
Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change
Advance Systems Thinking: Balancing Loop With Delay Video (coming)
Lesson 1 of 6 within section Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change.
Advance Systems Thinking: Limits To Growth Video (coming)
Lesson 2 of 6 within section Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change.
Advance Systems Thinking: Tragedy Of The Commons Video (coming)
Lesson 3 of 6 within section Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change.
Advance Systems Thinking: Success To The Successful Video (coming)
Lesson 4 of 6 within section Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change.
The Hedgehog Concept Video (coming)
Lesson 5 of 6 within section Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change.
Lesson 6 of 6 within section Module D: Leadership For Sustaining Change.
Module E: Putting It All Together
This section does not have any lessons.