Advanced Systems Thinking With 3QueST™ Course

Virtual Programme Facilitated By Dr. Jacob Lee (Bio)

For a synopsis of the program, click HERE.

Time Agenda Click this Link to Access
Day 1 08.50 am – 09.00 am Welcome!
09.00 am – 10.00 am Zoom Meeting Session 1

For the Zoom meeting, you will need to download and install the Zoom software.  The information is in the column on the right.

For the best learning experience, please use a PC, or laptop, or Mac.

Topics Covered:

  • Introductions
  • Orientation To Zoom
  • Overview Of The Programme
  • Admin Instructions
Zoom Meeting

Click HERE to download Zoom software.  Click HERE for a video to learn how to join a Zoom meeting.  Or download the Zoom User Guide.

10.00 am – 12.30 pm Self-Directed Learning : (Optional) Review Introduction To Systems Thinking Videos 1-4

Review Of Introductory Course:

The videos for this Advanced course is numbered 7-13.  The videos for the Introductory course are numbered 1-6. 

You may wish to review videos 1-4 from the Introductory course.  Please ignore the assignments in these videos (i.e. 1-4) as we are reviewing the material only.

Videos 5-6 have been omitted for the review because they are not required to understand The Advanced Systems Thinking videos.

Download Materials:

You will no longer have access to videos after the course is over. So make sure you download the pdf slide handouts and other learning aids provided in the videos.  

Just click on the RESOURCES label (as indicated by the white arrow in the image below) within the video at the top left corner.  Instructions on how to do this are also given at the start of  Video 1 (slides 2-4)

Videos are not downloadable.


Some of the videos require that submit an assignment. This will be explained in the corresponding videos. Remember, you need not submit assignments for the review videos 1-4.  You can access the assignments by clicking on the RESOURCES label.

Playing Videos:

Instructions on how to navigate the video player are given at the beginning of video 1.

It is recommended that you play the videos in Maximize mode for a better viewing experience.

If you are using Safari and have problems viewing the videos, you can try switching to the Chrome browser instead

When using tablets or smartphones, you may experience problems in loading the videos due to buffering issues.  Playback may be interrupted and you may lose video/audio.  You could pause the video and let the video load for a minute and then carry on. Alternatively, you can try and reload the webpage.

For Review (Optional):

Video 1: Introduction To Systems Thinking

Video 2: Anticipating Unintended Consequences

Video 3: Overcoming Systems Constraints

Video 4 Identifying Leverage In Systems



Self-Directed Learning: Videos 7-8

(Participants may take breaks, as needed)

Video 7 Introduction To Systems Archetypes

Video 8 Building Blocks of Systems Archetypes

12.30 pm – 01.30 pm Lunch On Your Own  
1.30 pm – 3.00 pm Self-Directed Learning:  Video 9 Video 9 Fixes That Fail
 3.00 pm-5.00 pm  Zoom Meeting Session 2

Topics Covered:

  • Video Debrief/Q&A
  • Group Work On Fixes That Fail
  • Discussion and Sharing


Refer to link for Zoom Meeting Session 1

(Participants may take breaks, as needed)
Day 2 9.00 am-10.00 am  Self-Directed Learning – Video 10 Video 10 Shifting The Burden
10.00 am – 12.00 am Zoom Meeting Session 3

Topics Covered:

  • Video Debrief/Q&A
  • Group Work On Shifting The Burden
  • Fishing Game
  • Discussion and Sharing
Refer to link for Zoom Meeting Session 1
12.00 pm – 01.00 pm Lunch On Your Own  
1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Self-Directed Learning – Video 11-13 Video 11 Escalation & Eroding Goals

Video 12 Limits To Success

Video 13 Tragedy Of The Commons & Success To The Successful

3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Zoom Meeting Session 4

Topics Covered:

  • Video Debrief/Q&A
  • Group Work On Limits To Success
  • Discussion and Sharing
  • Quiz and Summary
  • Systems Archetype Online Guide
  • Online Feedback
Refer to link for Zoom Meeting Session 1


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