Guide To Dropshipping With Alidropship

Welcome to this page on dropshipping with Alidropship!

Download Your AliExpress Dropshipping Guide Here

Before we explain how to use Alidropship to setup an online store, you may want to watch this video below on how dropshipping works.

If you already know how dropshipping works then you can skip it and go to the next section.

Various Tools And Services To Setup Your Store

Alidropship offers you a service to provide you with a custom store.  It will cost one-time payment of USD$299 at the time of this writing.  No further fees.

An alternative to Alidropship is Shopify/Oberlo combination.  But shopify charges a monthly fee of USD$29 for a basic package all the way to USD$299 per month for the high end package.  I don’t like the idea of a monthly fee when I am starting out.

Check out this comparison…

AliDropship is the best solution for drop shipping

Compare the cost to that of starting an actual brick and mortar store!

If you already have a website or would prefer to host your store on your own website, you can consider the Alidropship Plugin which costs a one time payment of USD$89.

What is Alidropship Plugin?

You will need a website for this.  The basics requirements to create a website are:

  1. Domain name (e.g.
  2. Hosting (a computer or server on the internet that hosts your webpages/store for visitors).
  3. A content management software like WordPress for creating web pages and so on.

But creating a website involves monthly fees for your domain name and hosting service like  So if you are starting up and do not have a WordPress website, you can go here and create up to 2 websites for free with the Starter package.  You can choose to go paid Premium package later if you want.

Plugins add functionality to the WordPress website. The Alidropship Plugin allows you to turn your WordPress website into an ecommerce storefront.

Once you purchase the plugin (cost USD$89 at the time of this writing), the videos below will explain to you how to install the plugin and to setup your website store.

AliDropship is the best solution for drop shipping



How To Install Alidropship Plugin Into Your WordPress Website


How To Setup Your Store With Alidropship Plugin


AliDropship is the best solution for drop shipping

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